Registered Charity Number: 801756
Application Guidelines | Exclusions | Grants Awarded | Annual Report & Accounts | Privacy Notice |
The Bill Brown 1989 Charitable Trust was founded on 2 May 1989 by the late Mr Percy William Ernest ("Bill") Brown. Bill Brown left school at the age of fourteen, and by dint of his intelligence and hard work achieved considerable success in business, and built up a substantial civil engineering business, from which he derived his capital.
He made a notable contribution to the war effort in the Second World War, during which he was an RAF officer responsible for organising and accompanying the transfer of air crew and equipment from North America to England.
His wife and son each tragically predeceased him, and he made generous provision for other members of his wider family during his life.
What remained passed under his Will to this Charitable Trust.
The Late Bill Brown
The Trustee operates a grant giving policy with a view to making substantial Bursary commitments which during any year utilises all of the available income generated from the Trustee’s investments as well as a proportion of the Charity’s capital.
Consequently, grants made to other charitable causes are limited, although the Trustee continues to support the charitable interests of the late Mr Brown as well supporting as a limited number of new charitable causes which the Trustee considers would have been supported by the founder.
Application Guidelines:
All applications should be sent by email to:-
Requests for support should be made by letter and sent electronically, confirming your Registered Charity Number, the aims and objectives of your Charity, and any other relevant facts.
In order for any appeal to be considered, the applicant must provide a copy of their latest annual report and most recent audited accounts.
The Trustee will consider supporting specific projects, in this case please provide details of the total amount required, contributions received to date and proposed timing to completion. Depending on the nature of the project, the Trustee will sometimes make a grant commitment, but defer payment until assurances are received that sufficient funds have been raised or pledged.
Applications will only be considered from English registered charities and the Trustee concentrate on supporting charities mainly in the South of England.
Applications must be received by the end of April or the end of September to be sure of consideration at the Summer and Winter Meetings.
The Trustee do not acknowledge applications and will only contact those to whom grants are awarded.
The Trustee does not support:-
• Individuals
• Animal welfare
• Small (local) charitable causes
• Appeals from regional branches of national charitable organisations
• Wildlife and environmental conservation
• Maintenance of buildings
• Religious charities
![]() Grants Awarded 30 June 2019 |
![]() Grants Awarded 30 June 2020 |
![]() Grants Awarded 30 June 2021 |
![]() Grants Awarded 30 June 2022 |
![]() Grants Awarded 30 June 2023 |